
Anxiety + Panic Attacks

Anxiety has stolen your joy and presence.

Out-of-nowhere, your heart rate can start soaring and you feel like you have adrenaline coursing through your body even though nothing out-of-the-ordinary is happening. The same familiar worries or fears go around and around in your mind and you feel helpless to stop the thoughts that only leave you exhausted. You can’t seem to rationalize the worry or anxiety away. You can’t even remember the last time you got enough quality sleep and you dread the night time. It feels like an impossible task to turn off your brain or quiet your soul. You worry about what the stress is doing to your body. You may even have had full-blown panic attacks that have left you shaking and vulnerable.

I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m Kim - a seasoned licensed therapist with 15 years of coming alongside people struggling with panic and anxiety. I love helping you reconnect to rhythms of peace and renewal that quiet the anxiety that has left you exhausted. Learn time-tested and practical ways to reclaim your body and mind from the constant internal turmoil. Instead of worksheets, we focus on body work, symbols, images, beauty, and story to calm anxiety and instill patterns that sustain you for the long haul. 

Don’t let your anxiety continue to dominate your mental space.

I’d love to meet you and connect! Click below to set up your free 15-minute consultation.